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Pricing Intelligence: Shoppers expect same pricing, discounts and sales across all shopping channels

Written by Profitero | May 20, 2013 1:00:00 AM

A new survey from business consultancy SDL reveals that 69% of consumers polled expect in-store, online and mobile apps to offer the same pricing, discounts and sales. The survey looked at the mobile and social media habits of consumers in the US, UK, Australia and Singapore, and also found that 77% of respondents confirm they regularly ‘showroom’.

Today’s consumer wants brands to offer a consistent experience across mobile, social and traditional channels according to SDL’s The New Disruption for Brands report. The findings from the study confirm that shoppers function seamlessly across channels when interacting with brands, and expect the same level of consistency and value regardless of which channel they interact with.

The survey found that 62% of respondents use a mobile device in-store to compare products and prices, whilst 77% confirmed they regularly showroom – checking the price of a product at a bricks and mortar store before purchasing the same product at a cheaper price online.

In addition, 69% of global respondents expect in-store, online and mobile apps to offer the same pricing, discounts and sales. By ensuring parity in pricing and product assortment across multiple channels, SDL says that brands can fully optimize the customer experience so they’re not competing on price alone.


Commenting on the findings of the report, Volodymyr Pigrukh, CEO and co-founder of Pricing Intelligence company Profitero, said: “Showrooming is such a hot topic right now, with study after study indicating that this trend is becoming ever more of a threat to traditional retailers. However those retailers who embrace it consider showrooming to be the future of retail, as it has forced them to improve and innovate their cross-channel experience. One of the key findings from this report is that consumers now expect pricing to be the same in-store, online or via mobile, therefore retailers need to ensure they can deliver parity pricing across all of these channels to provide a consistent shopping experience.”

Profitero provides retailers with relevant, timely and accurate data which enables them to monitor and optimise their prices cross-channel and remain competitive in today’s dynamic and omnichannel world. The increased dominance of Amazon as more shoppers turn to showrooming is impacting all retailers. Read how Tesco Direct worked with Profitero to monitor its prices across Amazon UK’s 18 million products to effectively compete against the web giant.

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About Profitero

Pricing intelligence company Profitero provides retailers with actionable price intelligence data, monitoring over 50 million products across 4,000 eCommerce retailers every day, observing pricing, promotions and stock availability. We work with the world’s leading retailers, enabling them to acquire new customers and grow profit margins by monitoring and responding to changes in competitor pricing and promotional activity as they happen. For more information on Profitero price intelligence and competitor monitoring, visit or email